Naturally Seasoned Logs
These logs are seasoned the old fashioned way using airflow and the passage of time. The wood will start the seasoning process whilst sitting in the stack for up to a year, before being sawn and split, where it will finish the seasoning process in our seasoning shed.
Kiln Dried Logs
Our kiln dried logs are dried in our own kiln in the yard. The kiln is powered by a biomass boiler, utilising log waste from the process and slab wood from the sawmill.
The kiln dried logs therefore allow us to produce a better product whilst minimising our waste and maximising use of the whole tree. This efficiency combined with our restocking program and accreditation make our logs virtually carbon neutral!
The kiln dried log is clean burning and generally has a higher heat output than naturally seasoned logs. By burning at a higher temperature it reduced CO2 emissions, provides a quicker, better heat and in turn reduces flue and chimney residue.
Using these logs is the most carbon efficient way of enjoying a fire in your own home.